These blog posts are fun to do and a great reminder of what we've seen and when we've seen it. But since today is our last day of "freedom" before work at Canyon Lodge in Yellowstone, we don't know how much time we'll have to continue uploading photos each night. Also, we don't know what the Lodge's policy is about taking pictures, as it is a hotel. Anyway, this is just a message to let you know that we will keep posting as much as we can . . . we aren't going to forget about it! Don't stop checking; we will be on as much as possible, updating when we can.
Peace & Love,
Molly & Samantha
p.s. Today is our first attempt at uploading videos onto blogspot! We hope they work for you :) They're at the bottom of today's post.
A photo of a horse drawn carriage taking tourists through Yellowstone National Park. (Photo from the Museum of the Rockies)
Samantha sitting against a backrest Native Americans made/used in thier Tepees. The Native American section was her favorite! (Museum)
Molly sitting against the backrest. (Museum)
This horse was outside of the Museum of the Rockies; it's made out of chains.
Samantha in front of the Streamline bus. We finally found one and rode it from MSU back to Main Street.
Samantha terrified at the prospect of seeing a real Bison so close to her when we get to Yellowstone. (Museum)
Indian War Dance at the Bozeman, many years ago. (Museum)
Bones of a Tenontosaurus found in 1991 near Bridger, MT. All of the artifacts and fossils here were excavated from Montana. (Museum)
The first time we encountered a Streamline bus stop even though we were told that they are everywhere. Molly looks confused because she was starting to doubt their existence.
...and Samantha :)
This is one of the dorms at Montana State looked really cool, expecially with the clouds in behind it.
Part II: Samantha has more time to ponder. Molly inside of the physics building at MSU.
Sorry, i had one more video that i wanted my dad to see especially, but i guess it didn't load. I'll try again at a later date. --Molly
Great job on the videos!! And to think I thought that I would have to be content with a postcard (or two, if lucky). :-)